Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Les Miserables and adoption

I, like many, rushed to the theater after Christmas to see Les Miserables. I wasn't disappointed. I knwo a lot of people have opinions about their choices in depicting the music the way they did, but I loved it all. See, I have very fond memories of Les Miserables. On my 16th birthday, my parents surprised me and brought me and my two brothers to see the play on broadway. I own the sound track, and have all the songs memorized. I love the story of love and redemption. I read a blog today that put another spin on the movie. Karen at "Finding Rest" puts it beautifully. http://www.kareneyates.com/2013/01/les-miserables-adoption-and-gift-of.html

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jackie - I saw this blog post title in my bloglist and wanted to come check it out. I recently posted an adoption movie review of Les Mis, too. I'd love your insight! http://www.adoptionlcsw.com/2013/01/adoption-movie-guide-les-miserables.html
