Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Dear Daughter of My Heart (letter 1)

Dear Daughter of My Heart, 

I think about you often, even though I am sure you are not yet born. I want you to know that you are loved by many already. Your dad and I will do our best to care for and protect you. We will make every effort to be respectful of your unique culture, and we will work hard to provide you opportunities to learn more about it. Although you will not be born of my body, you are truly of my heart. I can not wait to meet you and hold you in my arms. I pray now that the world will be kind to you and accepting of our unique family, even though I know this will not always be the case. I pray that they'll see you for who you and appreciate your beauty. I pray for our connection to one another even though we are miles apart and part of very different cultures. I will try my hardest to encourage you to be the unique being that you are and remember that you are not me nor should you be. I pray that you feel fully part of our family and never doubt how much you are loved by us.


eh-MY-ah (mom)

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